
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

How my life changed?

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

Dear readers, by listening the lectures of Hazrat sb DB on mobile, internet etc hundreds of thousands of lives are being changed. Because ism-i-Azam (name of almighty) is read after lectures, wherever they are played, domestic problems are resolved, in a surprising way. You too listen it even if for a short time. Do it daily, in your car or at home.

Honourable hakeem sahib, Asalam-o-Alaikum! Prayers are for you, your family, and your generations till the Day of Judgment, your efforts and companions. May God help you and bestow upon His blessing. Hakeem sahib I am 21, daughter of Hawaa, who was caught in ulterior emotions. Teachings of Holy Prophet PBUH did tell how to safeguard against it but you taught how to practice it. I always logged to whom I could share this problem. I was 7 when got sick and recovered after medical treatment but another problem initiated. A wart was developed under the skin on my right leg, causing pain from time to time, but I could not tell anybody because of shyness. Time passed and my menstrual cycles started but they were not normal. I shared it with my elder sister but ignored it. I have been slim and beautiful from very beginning. I do not know why I internalize this feeling that nobody cares for me. When my family did not help me in my problem, my psyche started being affected. I started talking with myself for hours and became psychological patient. My father asked me many times with whom you talk in front of mirror. Then I started fearing this habit and further suffocated. My age bracket required attention but had none. Then I moved from school to college and carefree environment of college coupled with un-attentive attitude of family pushed me on wrong ways. And I accustomed to it. This led me to a big problem once. Because of this problem, I was walking on roof, when rain started. I was soaking in rain water and weeping at the same time, and felt at heart to prostrate. I prostrated, I have no idea why but I wept a lot and a lot and kept asking forgiveness form Almighty Allah. With rainwater and tears my stress was also gone away, and when I stood up, I was perfectly normal. After a few days Allah resolved my problem. In this way college days passed. Then I got a book that had first kalmia’s zikar in it. I started it and with the passage of a few days’ members of family stated objections as what are you reciting all the time and wazifas are not done in this way without any reason.

I was distracted again, stopped zikar and inclined towards evils of solitary, because these deeds were done in private and didn’t get ridiculed on them. I got a job in a school and spent time out of home and thought that now I shall b relaxed. But I did not know that there’s no satisfaction and relaxation in evil ways. My leg problem was still there with increased wart size causing a sudden severe pain for a few days and then stopped. In 2008 I got government job and came back to parents home. In five months time I was engaged and was informed only and was told that I would be married in two months. In 2009 I was married and started new life with a view that my problems are over now. But now in the first night of married life, my husband told me that he is not capable of marriage and if I want to leave you can leave. I tolerated for the sake of my family’s happiness. After three months my leg pain started, I told my husband about it and he got an excuse and sent me to my parents just because of wart saying it originated there, they will get it treated. After tests, doctor said that it was not serious and would be treated by small surgery but my husband added some allegations and divorced me.

Mean while I started using face book and SMS started coming from a boy but I did not want to get involved into vice again. He was determined and did not stop and I started talking with him. I was deprived of attention and needed some, hence became attentive. I told him that we cannot be married but he insisted and claimed that he will get everybody on board.  My family did not approve of it and he suggested that we should get married in court. I was annoyed by attitude of my family but not in a mood to hurt them this way.

Once I was at my grandmother’s place. At night I woke up at 1 AM and held my cellular phone to check time and checked face book additionally. There was a wazifa with the name of ubqari that I liked. I opened its link and was surprised that lost objective of my life. I was missing and searching it. I started wazifa for marriage of choice having a caption to regularly offer obligatory prayers and to abstain from vices.  I downloaded a lot on mobile and after that came back to my home. It was a 90 days wazifa that I started and additionally I listened your lectures. By that wazifa I could not get marriage of choice but did get path of choice. I was talking to the same boy and he was insisting on court marriage. When I talked to my parents they were irritated and replied, as come what may they would not let it happen and I was silent. My heart was broken again and Allah called me towards Him and my inner self told me that path will be through hakeem sahib’s lectures I take “BAIT” pledge on internet from you, now I trusted that I will reach to my Destiney.  I have received a “BAIT” card and it gives me intense pleasure. Every time I listened to your lectures. Now my life has changed, all the depression has gone. I do he practice everytime. Now there is peace in the life. Now I have leaved the bad routes of life. I have changed my mobile SIM and my Facebook Id. I always tried to practice the legal practicing “AMAL” الحمدللہ now I do proper veil. Now I do my duty as well as my house chores. Now I have leaved the issue of my marriage on ALLAH. Kindly does one pray for me that may ALLAH will not keep me away from him. And I will not get the life of sins again. Ameen! (Mendicant of Allah)

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